Two associates of the Scientific Centre at the international scientific conference Byzantine Studies in Croatia: Retrospective and Perspectives held on 24th November 2017 in Zagreb

Two associates of the Scientific Centre at the international scientific conference Byzantine Studies in Croatia: Retrospective and Perspectives held on 24th November 2017 in Zagreb

Two associates of the Scientific Centre gave papers at the international scientific conference Byzantine Studies in Croatia: Retrospective and Perspectives organized by the Department of History of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb and the Croatian Society for Byzantine Studies, and held on 24th November 2017 in Zagreb. Assistant professor Tomislav Galović, Ph.D. from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb gave a paper on Byzantinology and Auxiliary Sciences of History in Croatia, and Kristijan Kuhar, Ph.D. from the Old Church Slavonic Institute in Zagreb gave a paper on A Study of Medieval Liturgical Traditions in Croatia in the Context of Byzantine Studies.

phone: +385 1 2220024
editor: Andrea Radošević, PhD
webmaster: Antonio Magdić, dipl. ing.