A lecture by Prof. Margaret Dimitrova, PhD at the Liberary of the Old Church Slavonic Institute

A lecture by Prof. Margaret Dimitrova, PhD at the Liberary of the Old Church Slavonic Institute

On Wednesday, 23rd September at 12.00 p.m. Prof. Margaret Dimitrova, PhD will give a lecture "Преводаческите избори: възможни интертекстуални връзки: върху материал от Песен на Песните в средновековни кирилски и хърватски глаголически ръкописи" at the Library of the Old Church Slavonic Institute. Margaret Dimitrova, PhD is a professor at the Faculty of Slavic Studies, Sophia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and a member of the International Council of the Scientific Centre of Excellence for Croatian Glagolitism.

phone: +385 1 2220024
e-mail: mihalj@stin.hr
editor: Andrea Radošević, PhD
webmaster: Antonio Magdić, dipl. ing.