2015 Work plan
- Initiation of studies into the manuscripts from the Istrian settlement of Beram (nearby Pazin)
- Studies into the manuscripts from Beram in the fields of linguistics, textology, literary theory, history of literature, palaeography, liturgy and art history
- Studies into morphology, syntax, spelling, phonology and lexis of Drugi beramski brevijar
- Transliteration
- Digitalisation
- Collecting and analysing of historical sources about Beram, the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age
- Compiling of bibliography for biblical and homiletic readings in Drugi beramski brevijar
- Systematization of the religious narrative prose in Drugi beramski brevijar
- Making of inventory, catalogue and description of miniatures and initials from Drugi beramski brevijar
- Codicological and palaeographic analysis of liturgical texts
- Recording of all liturgical texts and separation of euchological units
- Attribution of appropriate professional terminology to every text or form, in accordance with scientific and recent liturgical terminology
- Studies into Croatian Glagolitic biblical books in the fields of history of literature and textology
- Studies into determinants of rhetorical figures and generic determinants, Croatian medieval narrative prose and didactic prose in the field of literary history in order to put the Croatian Glagolitic prose in wider European context.